R&D Freelancer Scrapbook

This is my on-line scrapbook and/or blog.
I use it to collect information and make notes on everything I find useful and interesting.
The main focus will be Embedded Systems Architecture.
This means mainly embedded electronics, embedded software, mechanics and open source hardware and software.

Due to the limited amount of time I have, to moderate comments I have disabled this option, however I do want to hear from you if you have remarks, suggestions, language improvements and/or questions. Please use the contact form.

Thanks, Robert.

Bluetooth Low Energy 4.x

Understanding BLE is much easier if you speak the lingo.

Each device can have one of the following roles:

  • Central (master); Will scan for advertising packets
  • Peripheral (slave); Sends advertising packets
  • Client; Device that wants the data
  • Server; Device that has the data

To make it interesting:

My Real Time Scheduler a RTOS study part 1

Case study

This is going to be more like a case study then a how-to, please don’t expect to find a finished program.

Al lot has been written about the sense and nonsense of Real Time Operating Systems.
Internet is filled with aguments about why and when you should use a RTOS and there is of cource the eternal debate of commercial, open source or roll-your-own.
All of which I’m not going to repeat.